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New Activity

You can deliver any service you would like to through the portal by creating a new activity. An activity is a service delivered through the portal, such as Reaffiliation, expense claims, complaints and more.

Click on your initials in the top right of the page, and select 'Build'. This is where anything related to the building of services is kept. From here, head to 'Manage Activities' and click the + button to add a new activity.

Activity Form

Activity Form

Every activity should have a public facing name and description, to help students figure out what the service delivers and what's involved in completing it.

Activity Form

The slug defines at what URL the activity will be accessible. With a slug of 'reaffiliation', the full URL would be

Activity Form

Within an activity, you are able to set who is able to complete it by setting an audience. For example, you may only want final year students to be able to access career advice, or only committee members to be able to reaffiliate.

Select the group of people who can interact with the service, and the group of people who are the admins for the service.

Activity Form

Some services may only concern a user, such as an exam appeals service. For these, any data uploaded is private to the user.

Some services concern groups instead, such as Reaffiliation. Anyone in the group should be able to see the uploaded data for the group.

You can select which of the user/group/role selection you'd like for your activity from this page.

Activity Form

You can alter how services should work when they've finished.

  • 'Once': For something like Reaffiliation, once it's done it's done.
  • 'Multiple Times': For something like an expense claim, you'd like to be able to do the service again and again. You can go back and see previous submissions, or start a new one.
  • 'Never': Finally, some services can never be completed. For example, an equipment list should be maintained during the year.

Activity Form

If you leave this empty, the activity will always be shown. If you give it a start and end date, the activity will only be available during those times.

Last update: 2022-06-16